Aging is a natural part of life. Oftentimes, it comes with a loss of hearing. It can be frustrating to the person with hearing loss and family members. If you or your loved one are experiencing problems like dementia or confusion, it might be a hearing loss issue. It’s important to address hearing loss like any other health issue and seek help from a hearing professional.

What Does Hearing Loss Do to your Brain?
Hearing loss makes the brain work harder forcing it to make attempts to fill in the gaps when hearing isn’t clear. Memory systems and other thinking portions of the brain are taxed to work harder. This type of stress on the brain can sue the brain to shrink and increase the loss of cognitive function.
As well, hearing loss leads to anti-social behavior which also contributes to brain atrophy. Missing out on a social life diminishes the capacity to stay intellectually stimulated which helps keeps the brain healthy through continue to make connections in the brain rather than shrinking them.
Your memory, thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and loss of attention are symptoms of both hearing loss and dementia. Cognitive function and sound processing share the same space in the brain. As the brain begins to atrophy or shrink when brain cells are not connecting correctly with the senses, it can be confusing to determine if you or a loved one is suffering from dementia or hearing loss.
Healthy neuro-connections send signals to the brain, when these connections are working hearing loss might be the problem. However, extreme stress, aging, and isolation all contribute to confusion and loss of cognitive function.
Self-isolation is one of the biggest warning signs that hearing loss, confusion, or dementia is occurring. There are many reasons that this happens, but oftentimes it is because they aren’t hearing as well as they used to. This increases stress in many social interactions because they get confused and tire easily. It becomes simpler to stay at home than to socialize. The lack of socialization then contributes to depression and anxiety and the overall health of a person begins to go into decline, which then begins to contribute to symptoms of dementia.
Regular health exams can help reduce early-onset dementia. Dementia may not be the issue, it could be hearing loss. They can also help diagnose the symptoms your loved one is experiencing and refer you to an audiologist for a more in-depth diagnosis. With an early treatment plan, you or your loved one can improve their quality of life. You will be able to socialize again without fear of missing important conversations. You will want to join in on the fun of being around people and your brain will be stimulated and continue growing healthy neurons.

Hearing Aids Can Help
There are no drawbacks to hearing aids, In fact, they are life-changing. With a proper hearing aid from your audiologist, you or your loved one will be able to improve your hearing. Improved hearing helps the brain not have to work so hard to listen and process information.
When you hear better, you will want to socialize and be with friends again. Increasing socialization is healthy and highly recommended to keep healthy brain function and cell building. You may be concerned that you aren’t ready for hearing aids, but if you think of them like wearing glasses or a cast, they will help you get back into an active and quality life.
There are many different styles of hearing aids available. Your audiologist can educate you about each style and explain how they work to improve hearing
How Do I Know What Hearing Aids Will Be Right for Me?
Make an appointment with your audiologist or hearing specialist. At your initial appointment, they will take a comprehensive health history, and discuss with you your lifestyle and what you expect from hearing aids. They will administer a variety of tests and provide you with a diagnosis. Your hearing specialist will discuss with your the options available to you and help you find the right hearing aids. You and your loved ones will be able to work with the audiologist through another series of tests to get the perfect hearing fit.
If you or your loved one are struggling to hear or experiencing difficulty with cognitive function: memory loss, thinking, and reasoning, contact Hearing Associates of Las Vegas. We are family owned and care about you and your loved ones. Our goal to is help you hear better and get you back to the quality of life you deserve.
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