People with disabilities face plenty of challenges. Individuals with hearing loss are often faced with unique challenges that arise from hearing impairment. People with hearing loss deserve advocacy and accessibility to help with their condition, so they can thrive in life—socially, professionally, financially, and more. Empowerment helps those suffering from hearing loss and other hearing Read more..
How Often Should You Have Your Hearing Tested?
Hearing loss often goes unnoticed until damage becomes severe, yielding significant impacts on communication, social interactions, and even mental health. Fortunately, hearing examinations allow you to detect and address the early signs of hearing loss before they become problematic. In this article, our experts at The Hearing Associates of Las Vegas delve into the importance Read more..
How to Accept Hearing Loss
The reality of hearing loss can be difficult to accept, requiring you to recognize the newfound difficulties spanning from personal relationships to your professional capabilities. Fortunately, by accepting this challenge and seeking proactive measures to preserve or improve your communication ability, you can minimize its effects on your daily life. In this article, our experts Read more..
The Costs of Untreated Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a pervasive issue, affecting millions of people on a daily basis. However, it remains one of the most commonly untreated issues. When neglected, hearing loss can become a costly issue for both individuals and society as a whole. In this article, our experts at The Hearing Associates of Las Vegas are exploring Read more..
Breaking Free From Social Isolation Due to Hearing Loss
When words become harder to distinguish and conversations become harder to follow, communicating with friends and family can become a challenge. Because of this, individuals with untreated hearing loss often become isolated from their social lives, casting a shadow over their mental health. In this article, our experts at Hearing Associates of Las Vegas are Read more..
The Link Between Aging and Hearing Loss: What You Need to Know
As you age, subtle changes in your hearing often go unnoticed. However, you might notice the TV volume inching higher and crowded conversations becoming difficult to follow. These minor changes can often be the early whispers of age-related hearing loss. But, why does this happen? In this article, our hearing specialists will be diving into Read more..
Why Do Your Ears Hurt in the Winter?
When you step outside on a frosty day, you might wonder why you feel a sharp pain nipping at your ears. In the winter, your ears are particularly vulnerable as they don’t have the same amount of fat as the rest of your body. Without this insulation, it’s common to experience ear soreness. If you Read more..
Will Ear Wax Removal Help Hearing?
Earwax is a powerful and essential substance that protects our fragile inner ears. However, producing too much of it can impact us negatively, often resulting in hearing loss. While there are many reasons for hearing loss, excess earwax can be a major cause, but one that is fortunately very treatable and can lead to improved Read more..
Tips for Effective Conversations with Hearing-Impaired Loved-Ones
If someone suffers from tinnitus he has a risk of hearing loss. Chances are quite high that they have to face hearing loss. Communicating with someone who suffers from hearing loss can become challenging. There can be some misunderstandings that can lead to frustrations. To improve communication, a few adjustments and strategies will be discussed Read more..
Hearing Loss Prevention Tips for Aging Loved Ones
Is your loved one struggling with hearing loss? At Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, we focus on helping our patients have healthier hearing. Our primary focus is to reduce the risk of hearing loss and help maximize your existing hearing. If you have aging loved ones, watching the cognitive decline that comes with hearing loss Read more..