There are many reasons people lose their hearing. Sometimes, hearing loss can be restored naturally. In other cases, hearing loss can only be replaced with the help of hearing aids. If you are experiencing severe hearing loss because of aging or from extended exposure to loud noises and the tiny hairs in your ear are most likely damaged. You will need to see your audiologist. They can identify the severity of hearing loss, help you find the right solutions, and help limit future hearing issues.
Hearing Aid Technology
Hearing aid technology has advanced over the last few years. There are so many options for people who experience hearing loss, and different hearing aid choices. The type of hearing aid you choose depends on severe factors, including the type and severity of hearing loss and your lifestyle.
There are specific types of hearing aids that work well for mild hearing loss but don’t provide support for someone with advanced hearing loss. Your audiologist will give you a thorough exam and diagnosis, then provide you with treatment options that are custom fit to your needs.
Hearing aid types
There are three main types of hearing aids: Behind the Ear, In the Canal, and Completely in Canal
- Behind-the-Ear hearing aids are most often used for people with moderate-to-severe hearing loss. They are larger and fit comfortably behind the ear.
- In-the-Canal hearing aids are often used to provide some amplification. They fit into your outer ear and work best with mild-to-moderate hearing loss.
- Completely-in-Canal hearing aids are tiny hearing aids that fit inside the ear. People with moderate hearing loss often wear these hearing aids.
The inner workings of hearing aids
All hearing aids use the same components to carry sound to the inner ear for the outside world. Hearing aids use tiny microphones to amply sounds. Microphones vary in intensity based on the amount of hearing loss you have experienced. These sounds convert into sound waves and return to a speaker in the hearing aid providing hearing support to the wearer.
Hearing Loss Types
Mild, moderate, and severe are the levels of diagnosis of hearing loss. It is important to understand the level of hearing loss you are experiencing to determine which type of hearing aid will work best for you.
Mild hearing loss symptoms include noticing that people around you are failing to speak clearly or mumbling if they are not looking at you and facing you directly in a conversation. People who experience mild hearing loss usually need a basic amplifier to make it easier to hear with better clarity of sound.
When a person experiences difficulty hearing and understanding a conversation, if they are not looking at you, they are likely experiencing moderate hearing loss. Many people with this type of hearing loss will benefit from Behind the Ear or In the Canal hearing aids based on their lifestyle and level of activity.
Experiencing difficulty in understanding speech is a symptom of severe hearing loss. In most cases, Completely in the canal or in the ear hearing aids are not effective. They lack the amplification necessary to improve hearing at this level of loss. Many people need behind-the-ear hearing aids because they have larger components and can provide stronger amplification than other types of hearing aids.
How do I know which type of hearing I will need?
The type of hearing aid that you need will depend upon many factors. Your audiologist will help you choose the best type for your level of hearing loss. In most cases, a BTE device would be the best choice for severe hearing loss. You should try to find a hearing aid that has over five channels so that you can adjust the settings to make sure sounds are as clear and crisp.
Digital hearing aids are better for those with severe loss because they provide clearer amplification and help reduce background noise, leading to more clarity in what you hear.
However, you also need to consider the added features that the hearing aids provide, as well as the type of hearing aid.
For example, many modern hearing aids offer Bluetooth connectivity to connect directly with your TV or music player. Multiple models also have directional microphones that can help you hear conversations better in crowded situations. So, It’s important to consider your lifestyle and the added functionality that you need on your hearing aids on a day-to-day basis. If you think you may be experiencing hearing loss and need some advice about Hearing Aids., contact Hearing Associates of Las Vegas. We are the experts in getting you to hear better. We take care of our patients to ensure they get back to living active and healthy life.
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