Hearing loss is a unique process and can affect people very differently. Sometimes, this impact can mean that an individual only has single-sided hearing loss, or it can result in different levels of hearing loss.
No matter what kind of hearing loss you experience, it is critical that you have your hearing taken care of by our hearing health care professionals at Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, and use two hearing aids to achieve it. That way, you can enjoy all the benefits of hearing well from both ears.
Why You Need Two “Good” Ears
When it comes to your hearing, being able to hear clearly from both ears does more than make it easy to catch a conversation. If one ear is struggling more than the other to capture sound, it can lead to greater strain overall on your auditory system, leaving you fatigued and under cognitive strain.
Also, without proper binaural hearing (dual ear hearing), you may find you are more disoriented. While humans don’t use echolocation like bats and dolphins, we do have an instinctual reliance on our hearing to provide us with navigational help. Without two ears working together, you may find that you become more unsteady and have difficulty positioning yourself. To prevent these problems, you can use hearing aids.
Benefits Of Two Hearing Aids Working Together
Whether you have hearing loss in one ear or both ears, having hearing aids in both ears can help provide a variety of benefits.
Better ability to hear phone calls
Taking a call with just one hearing aid can be difficult, as it means you only have one ear that can clearly hear the phone call. But with two hearing aids that have Bluetooth connectivity, you can connect your phone to your hearing aids and stream the phone call directly to your hearing aids.
With the call coming in through both of your hearing aids, you can more easily enjoy your phone conversations and track what is being said.
Improved comfort in various hearing situations
One of the early signs of hearing loss is when you start to listen “with your good ear”, which isn’t unusual as hearing loss can affect your ears differently. But, with a restricted amount of hearing, it is likely that you are experiencing a great deal of discomfort in many different hearing situations from talking in a restaurant with friends to attending a work meeting.
By having hearing aids in both ears, you can more easily pick up sounds coming from various directions and will be better able to track conversations around you. Also, by using hearing aids to help you navigate, you can also attune your volume and frequency levels to make conversational interactions more comfortable overall.
Provides greater localization
Hearing only out of one ear can make it difficult to pinpoint where a sound is coming from, which may be important to your overall safety. With both ears working together, thanks to hearing aids, you can more easily determine where sounds are coming from and respond appropriately.
This ability is especially to discern where sounds are coming from can be helpful in navigating social situations. That way, you can engage in conversations and move through social activities with greater ease.
Reduces dual-ear tinnitus
Along with all the listening benefits, using hearing aids in both ears can help with tinnitus. As tinnitus is generally bilateral, there isn’t much point in only using one hearing aid to correct an issue you have in both ears.
With dual hearing aids, you can address your tinnitus more completely. Our hearing professionals can help you determine what hearing aids come with tinnitus support, which can help you manage your tinnitus.
If you are ready to tackle your hearing loss, our hearing professionals are ready to help! Contact us to set up your appointment and be ready to enjoy all the benefits of having two good ears.
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