Before you received your hearing aids, it is likely that you went through a considerable process. For one thing, accepting that you have hearing loss can take people years. After you accept your hearing loss and the need to have it corrected, you need to have your hearing evaluated, choose what hearing aids to purchase and have them ordered.
By the time you receive your hearing aids and put them in, it is likely that you have built up an expectation of how they will work for you. So, when your hearing aids aren’t immediately comfortable and perfect, it can be tough to want to wear them.
Before you toss your hearing aids into your nightstand and leave them there, there may be something you can do to make your hearing aids work better for you. If you dislike your hearing aids, we’ve got tips to help you.
How To Fall In Love With Your Hearing Aids
Take Time To Adjust
Hearing aids can take time to adjust to wearing. For one thing, you have likely never worn anything inside or on top of your ear. That alone can be irritating and require time to adjust to the feeling.
Your hearing also won’t sound exactly the same as you remember. Some of that lack of sameness is due to hazy memories, but it may also be due to how hearing aids process sound.
The solution to these kinds of problems is to give yourself time to get used to wearing hearing aids. You can start slow, wearing your hearing aids for a few hours before taking them out. If you continue to wear your hearing aids and keep them in for longer durations, you can get used to them over time.
Have Hearing Aid Specialists Program
If you purchased your hearing aids in Las Vegas at one of our hearing clinics, you naturally are welcome to come to visit us if you are having difficulties. We have a variety of tools that our hearing instrument specialists can use to help correct issues with your hearing aids.
For instance, at Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, one of the things we do is use real-ear measurement. This process will allow our hearing instrument specialists to measure how well your hearing aids are amplifying sound based on your hearing. With this information, our specialists can adjust the programming on your hearing aids to accommodate your hearing needs more completely.
Familiarize Yourself With Operations
Modern hearing aids are packed with exciting features that allow you to use them to better engage with the world of sound around you. But if you don’t know how to use these features, your hearing aids are more likely to frustrate you, rather than engage you.
If you take the time to become familiar with how your hearing aids work and what features are included, you may find you enjoy them more. For example, many modern hearing aids come with Bluetooth connectivity. With the Bluetooth connection, you can easily stream music, TV, phone calls, and more to your hearing aids directly.
Practice Inserting Hearing Aids
How your hearing aids are inserted can make a huge difference in how you feel about using them on a daily basis. Hearing aids that are improperly inserted have a tendency to squeal and produce other irritating feedback sounds.
Also, when your hearing aids are correctly inserted, they will be far more comfortable to wear for long periods of time. If you are struggling to place your hearing aids correctly, our hearing instrument specialists will be happy to help you master your hearing aid placement.
Recast Hearing Aid Casing Or Earmold
You could dislike your hearing aids because they feel uncomfortable or don’t fit just right. Sometimes, the issue of uncomfortable hearing aids can be resolved by having your hearing aid casing, or earmold recast to fit your ear better. Having your earmold remade can be done in our hearing aid repair clinic, but if the case of your hearing aid needs to be remade, your hearing aids will need to go back to the manufacturer.
If you take care of this issue while your warranty is still good, you should have no issue having your hearing aids recast. Our hearing instrument specialists will take care of sending your hearing aids back, and we will loan you a set of hearing aids. That way, you won’t be without the ability to hear while your hearing aids are being repaired.
Undergo Auditory Rehabilitation
Sometimes, when a person has gone a long time without the ability to hear well, it can be shocking to be able to hear again, even uncomfortable. While turning down the volume is one way you can gradually adjust to the world of sound again, you can also have your hearing rehabilitated.
One of the hearing services we offer is auditory rehabilitation. With this service, you will work with one of our hearing health care professionals as they help you become re-accustomed to hearing again.
Have The Best Support On Your Hearing Journey
Reaching better hearing is a journey that we are more than happy to support you through. From your hearing evaluation to adjusting to your new hearing aids, Hearing Associates of Las Vegas is here for you.
To work with our hearing health care specialists, feel free to contact us. We are ready to help you enjoy the best hearing possible!
Zachary Tomlinson says
I never knew that hearing aids could help you hear people speak better after experiencing hearing loss. I heard that my cousin has recently had issues understanding his classes, and I want to help out. I’ll probably recommend that he visit a hearing aid center so he could get one that fits his needs.