Are you experiencing hearing loss symptoms and thinking it might be time to get a hearing aid? This is an important decision that impacts your physical health, mental health, and wallet.
You might have some hearing loss if you experience the following symptoms:
- Difficulty hearing conversations and picking out who is talking
- Sounds seem to be muffled
- You speak louder or ask people to speak up
- The volume on your TV is too loud for your family
You might be tempted to go purchase an over-the-counter hearing aid. But we think you should consider getting your hearing tested by a licensed audiologist before trying to self-diagnose and self-treat your hearing. Not having the right hearing aid can cause discomfort and frustration. Professional hearing specialists can help you find which hearing aid is right for you and your situation.
Audiologists are certified professionals who diagnose hearing loss and are the experts to see when you have questions about your hearing. The audiologist will make recommendations or prescribe hearing aids and or treatments to individual patients.
Over-the-counter hearing aids might be appealing because of their lower cost and ease of purchase, but are they a better investment than prescription hearing aids?
Prescription vs. Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids
Prescription hearing aids are programmed and tuned for individuals, much like when a person goes to the eye doctor and gets a prescription for glasses. The audiologist ensures that the hearing aids fit properly and adjust them for you. Financing may help cover the costs of a high-quality hearing aid.
Over-the-counter hearing aids are designed for people with only mild to moderate hearing loss. This does not involve professional care at all. Over-the-counter hearing aids are like going to the store and picking up a cheap pair of reading glasses. They are less expensive than prescription hearing aids because they are not as sophisticated or accurate as prescription hearing aids.
Which type of hearing aid is better for you?
Over-the-counter hearing aids are easy to purchase and take home on the same day. You start wearing them immediately. You can adjust the sound to the level you like. These are most often purchased for people who believe they have mild hearing loss. However, they can be frustrating, and you might near be able to hear as much as you like.
Prescription hearing aids are much more complex because they use advanced technology to pinpoint sounds and increase accuracy in hearing aids. You must visit your audiologist or hearing aid specialist several times to get a good fit.
Today’s audiologists use advanced technologies that make hearing evaluations and hearing aid programming far more effective than anything over the counter.
One of these advanced technologies is called live speech mapping. It is a method that uses speech to help specialists adjust hearing aids individually for each wearer. Live speech mapping has transformed the evaluation experience. Appointments are more interactive and accurate. This increases the success of the hearing aid and reduces the number of times you have to go to the audiologist,
What Is Live Speech Mapping?
Live speech mapping is an audio verification method that programs hearing aids to meet your individual needs. Tiny microphones are placed in the ear canal to measure the hearing aid’s response. They measure the natural and unique characteristics of your ear and hearing loss.
Your audiologist reads a screen for real-time feedback using high-tech equipment that allows them to see your hearing during the assessment. These results are displayed so you can see the results, suggest adjustments and collaborate with the audiologist for optimal results. You may be asked to bring a family member with you so they can share what they see and hear with you as you go through this experience.
Why is live speech mapping beneficial?
If you are experiencing hearing loss, likely, you don’t notice what you can or can not accurately hear. You and your family may feel frustrated because you keep missing out on conversations.
Or you aren’t getting all of the information that you need. This is a very isolating feeling. Speech mapping improves your ability to hear immediately with real-time results. Your visit to the audiologist will produce a proper fit at the office, and you likely won’t have to return for further adjustments.
Live speech mapping allows you and your family to see the immediate results of your hearing aids. This method demonstrates the positive impact hearing aids will have on your hearing. You will leave the visit feeling more confident that you have made the right choice by visiting an audiologist for a high-quality hearing aid.
Live speech mapping improves hearing:
- Through human speech to enhance the hearing experiences
- Creates a family experience in the fitting process
- Results are immediate and tangible.
- Fittings are successful the first time
- Leave feeling confident about how to use your hearing aids
- Accurate programming reduces frustration
- Return visits are minimalized
If you are concerned about hearing loss in yourself or a loved one, visit the Hearing Associates of Las Vegas. We take the time to listen so you can hear better!
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