Ear pressure refers to the sensation of stuffiness and fullness of the ear. This occurs when the Eustachian tube becomes blocked or stops functioning correctly. And it can be pretty uncomfortable for you or your loved one! The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the nose. It’s in charge of balancing Read more..
Is There a Surgery To Cure Hearing Loss?
If you’re one of the nearly 48 million Americans suffering from hearing loss, you know that hearing loss affects your health, career, relationships, and self-confidence. You or your loved one might feel isolated and depressed. With these depressing statistics, you may wonder if there is a surgery to cure hearing loss. For some people, surgery Read more..
What is the Purpose of Ear Wax?
There are many things people don’t discuss- what happens at Fight Club and earwax- but maybe they should. Well, perhaps not Fight Club. But they should talk about earwax because it is more than just a gross body secretion. It is a necessary part of the hearing process. Understanding how it functions and the right Read more..
How Hearing Loss and Memory Loss Are Connected
Asking family members to repeat questions, turning up the volume to hear the television, and trying to fill in conversation gaps when spending time with friends are all signs of hearing loss and can make a person feel awkward. Beyond the frustration and social embarrassment that comes with it is another, more profound concern: memory Read more..
Should You Worry About Mild Hearing Loss
Mild hearing loss sounds like a benign condition that can be ignored because the word mild is equated with harmless. Not hearing every word someone says is inconvenient or annoying but not earth-shattering. If a person with mild hearing loss can not hear something, they use strategies such as asking someone to repeat words or Read more..
Painful Ear Wax Buildup? What Can You Do?
When you or your child has an earache, the only thing you want is for it to go away–the quicker the better. Sometimes an earache is caused by a virus or other disease. However, it’s often caused by earwax buildup, or an infection caused by wax buildup. A painful earwax blockage happens when earwax (cerumen) Read more..
I Don’t Want Hearing Aids!
As we age, we experience different changes in how we interact and engage with the world. In addition, the body processes sensory conditions differently, from how we see things to even the taste of food and how things smell. Out of the five senses, the ability to hear can be considered one of the most Read more..
How Common is Hearing Loss in Your Fifties?
Hearing loss can significantly impact your quality of life, and age is one of the biggest contributors to this health concern. Unfortunately, hearing loss in your 50’s is very common. As you age, the hair cells inside your inner ear that make it possible to hear well can start to die. While this is the Read more..
What Does it Mean When Ears are Red
A few things can cause red ears, but it’s commonly associated with your skin flushing or blushing. Skin flushing can happen when it’s cold outside, or you feel embarrassed or shy. However, if you have red ears all the time, the flushing might be linked to several health conditions. Knowing when to be concerned about Read more..
How Do You Know If You Are Losing Your Hearing?
While this may not come as a shock, it’s unlikely that you will wake up one day and not be able to hear conversations around you. Hearing loss typically occurs gradually over time. However, you may not notice the warning signs before damage has already been done to your hearing. To avoid hearing problems, you Read more..