The connection between untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline disorders grows ever stronger in the medical community. A recent study by a research team at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health showed that when left untreated, senior adults with severe hearing loss were more likely to develop dementia, a cognitive decline disorder. This Read more..
Unveiling the Link Between Untreated Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline
Human health is complex, making it difficult to understand how all the parts connect and work together – especially regarding untreated hearing loss and cognitive decline. However, thanks to research in recent years, the link between the two is becoming more straightforward, and people are beginning to understand that the ears do more than just Read more..
The Evolution of Hearing Aid Technology: A Look into the Future
In a world where new ideas are launched daily, healthcare has made a lot of progress, especially regarding hearing health. Thanks to ground-breaking changes in hearing aid technology, the future of hearing could be inspiring. As people learn more about hearing loss and technology improves, these advancements are changing the way hearing care is done Read more..
Decoding Your Hearing Test Results: What the Audiogram Reveals About Your Hearing
Hearing is a critical sense that enables you to interact with the world surrounding you and have meaningful conversations with others. A hearing test, often referred to as an audiogram, is a diagnostic instrument that evaluates the responsiveness of your hearing to various sounds. To understand the results of a hearing test, it’s important to Read more..
How to Know When You Need to Replace Your Hearing Aids
For many people, hearing aids are the answer for their hearing loss, allowing them to hear clearer and communicate more effectively. However, like most things, hearing aids don’t last forever, and you need to know when it’s time to replace them. At Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, we can assist you with an updated hearing Read more..
The Power of Modern Hearing Aids
We live in a technology-driven world, with new advancements in every field nearly daily. The same can be said for the world of hearing aids and how research has improved these devices over the years. At Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, we’ve seen our share of changes and continue to stay on top of the Read more..
Gold Standard of Hearing Care: Why Hearing Associates of Las Vegas Sets the Bar High
People with hearing loss are often driven to ignore the problem or put off getting help out for several reasons. The fact that most hearing loss comes on slowly, making it harder to notice at first, is one reason why treatment isn’t sought right away. Additionally, they might get used to the changes or think Read more..
Prospecting for Perfect Hearing: Finding the Best Hearing Aids
With so many options available, it might be hard to know which hearing aids are best for you, so having a reliable and experienced team on your side is critical. Not only can our team help you determine the right hearing aids for you, but we can also help you receive an accurate diagnosis of Read more..
Unearthing the Future of Hearing: The Evolution of Hearing Aids
Over the past few years, many people have chosen over-the-counter hearing aids rather than seeing an audiologist to address their hearing loss. This has happened for various reasons – and while it might seem like a good idea, in the end, the choice might not be the best for everyone. The truth is that hearing Read more..
The Quest for Crystal-Clear Hearing: Exploring Innovative Sound Technology
When people talk about hearing loss, they often link it to age, but the fact of the matter is that hearing loss can occur at any time. Not only that but hearing loss that is diagnosed in the latter stages of life often had its beginnings in the younger years. Regardless of where and when, Read more..