Hearing loss can occur due to many different factors including heredity, excessive noise, aging, injury, or infections. The most common type of hearing loss affects the auditory nerve. This is called sensorineural hearing loss. Did you know that an ear infection can cause hearing loss? This is called conductive hearing loss. It is caused when Read more..
Hearing Loss in a Single Ear
Unilateral hearing loss also known as hearing loss in a single ear can come on suddenly or occur over time. It can be a temporary loss due to ear wax build-up, infections, or exposure to a thunderous boom. In many cases Single-Ear hearing loss is permanent, however, with the right diagnosis, it can be treated Read more..
Can Hearing Loss Cause Dementia
Aging is a natural part of life. Oftentimes, it comes with a loss of hearing. It can be frustrating to the person with hearing loss and family members. If you or your loved one are experiencing problems like dementia or confusion, it might be a hearing loss issue. It’s important to address hearing loss Read more..
The Long Term Impact of Headphones On Your Hearing
Have you ever stopped to consider whether or not your headphones or earbuds are causing any long-term damage to your hearing? While it’s probably not something most of us think about as we turn up our favorite song or listen to a popular podcast, it is something to pay attention to, especially if the volume Read more..
Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help Tinnitus?
Tinnitus occurs when people experience a ringing noise in their ears, but there isn’t a knowable cause. Some people’s experiences sound like humming or hissing.In contrast,s others might hear musical notes or experience the hiss of air or the sound of water in a sea shell. Tinnitus can be very frustrating to live with and Read more..
Does Tinnitus Caused By Antibiotics Go Away?
If you have ever experienced a bout of ringing, humming, or buzzing in your ears after taking an antibiotic, you aren’t alone. These internal sounds – meaning no one else can hear them – can affect upwards of 20% of people, according to the Mayo Clinic. Most causes of tinnitus are caused by factors such Read more..
What Anxiety Does to Your Hearing
Hearing loss and tinnitus don’t always mean you have anxiety. But for many people, anxiety, hearing loss, and tinnitus go hand-in-hand. Understanding this means you can get the help you need to protect your mental health. Your ears are sensitive to changes in your brain, body, and environment. Changes in the body’s stasis, like hearing Read more..
Does too Much Stress Cause Tinnitus?
Stress is a part of everyday life that we can’t avoid – good or bad! Stress is essentially the way that your body responds to specific scenarios in life. While “good” stress could be like having a baby or starting a new job, “bad” stress can be getting in an accident, losing your job, or Read more..
What is the Purpose of Ear Wax?
There are many things people don’t discuss- what happens at Fight Club and earwax- but maybe they should. Well, perhaps not Fight Club. But they should talk about earwax because it is more than just a gross body secretion. It is a necessary part of the hearing process. Understanding how it functions and the right Read more..
What is Reverse Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is the perception of phantom sounds like ringing, hissing, or buzzing in one or both ears without actual sound. Approximately 10% of adults in the USA experience tinnitus, and about 1 in 4 have had symptoms for over 15 years. If you suffer from tinnitus, you know it can cause complications in life with Read more..