There are many health reasons to stay fit with a healthy BMI. But what if we told you that research shows that overweight adults and children are more likely to have hearing loss. Not only that, but exercising and eating healthy supports good hearing. Understanding the role obesity plays in your hearing can help you Read more..
Has the Pandemic Impacted Hearing Loss Problems?
Because it’s difficult to converse with others who have hearing loss, it’s not surprising that those with hearing loss feel lonely and isolated. Our culture also recommends wearing masks and socially withdrawing, so it’s crucial we understand the importance of recognizing the effects of social isolation on hearing loss. While communication barriers have intensified because Read more..
What Exactly Is Meniere’s disease?
Singer Huey Lewis was riding high in 1987 with his top hits “Hip to Be Square” and “Doing it All for My Baby” when suddenly the hearing in his right ear disappeared completely. Lewis felt like his ear was full, like in a swimming pool. He couldn’t pop his ears or shake it out. He Read more..
Does Depression Have a Link to Hearing Loss?
Do you have an older adult in your life that suffers from hearing loss? Have you noticed they tend to avoid social interactions more and more? Do they seem withdrawn, lonely and depressed? It’s not a giant leap of logic that there’s a connection between depression and hearing loss. When your loved one struggles to Read more..
Advancements In Hearing Aids Over the Last 50 Years
Significant advancements in hearing aids have occurred over the last 50 years. Generally speaking, the size of hearing aid devices along with batteries has changed most dramatically. Becoming more discreet, precise, functional, and more readily available. Transistor Hearing Aids In the 1970s, hearing aids began to improve from vacuum tubes to the introduction of the Read more..
Can Noise Induced Hearing Loss Be Reversed?
Unfortunately, noise-induced hearing loss is all too common. If you’re continually around noise exceeding 85 decibels, your hearing could be irreversibly damaged. What is noise-induced hearing loss, what causes it, and can it be successfully treated? If you believe you have noise-induced hearing loss, we’ll give you the facts and tell you how to identify Read more..
Costco Hearing Aids Vs Custom Fit Hearing Aids
Those with hearing aids are aware of the constant struggle to find the hearing aid that works for them. With a wide variety of options available from various locations, the choice can sometimes be extremely overwhelming. However, a straightforward goal remains for those looking for the right hearing aid: to hear easily and clearly. One Read more..
Constant Ringing in the Ears? What Tinnitus Treatments Are Available?
One of the most overlooked conditions in the world today, tinnitus plagues more than 50 million Americans around the nation. Ranging from a mild annoyance to a complete rehabilitation, tinnitus affects everyone differently. Because it affects everyone different, the treatment options are limited and often require personalization. Tinnitus is when you experience a ringing, buzzing, Read more..
What is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy and How Can it Provide Life-Changing Results
Tinnitus is one of the most common ailments in the nation, affecting over 45 million people in the United States. In decades past, experts had many tinnitus treatment methods, but only a few have survived. So while researchers and doctors continue to search for viable treatment methods, a few have jumped out as being most Read more..
Noise Pollution And It’s Affect On Your Sleep
While many people worldwide focus on atmospheric or land pollution across the world, they sometimes overlook the ever-important noise pollution. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it’s one of the most dangerous environmental threats to health. Drivers honking horns, groups of workers drilling the road surface, aircraft flying over us in the sky are Read more..