While in the middle of a tinnitus flare-up, it can come off as insensitive and potentially insulting to imply that all you need to do is ignore it. That’s what some individuals think it means when tinnitus habituation—also called tinnitus retraining therapy—is mentioned as a treatment for tinnitus.
However, learning to tune out the ringing in your ears isn’t simply trying to ignore your tinnitus. With the help of our hearing health care professionals and the right tinnitus management tools, you can learn to tune out the ringing of your tinnitus while tuning in to what you really want to hear.
Train Your Brain To Ignore Tinnitus
One way you can manage your tinnitus is with tinnitus retraining therapy. This type of tinnitus treatment focuses on helping your brain relearn to hear and file away your tinnitus without it being at the forefront of your awareness. Utilizing tinnitus retraining therapy can be particularly effective with most forms of tinnitus, as most types of tinnitus do not have an audible source and are all internally generated.
With tinnitus retraining therapy, one of our hearing health care professionals will work with you to train your brain on how to listen. Mixing mindfulness with various listening techniques, you can learn to acknowledge the sound of your tinnitus and move past it to enjoy hearing other sounds.
Other Tinnitus Treatment Options
Tinnitus is a very personal struggle, and not everyone responds the same to tinnitus retraining therapy. Here at Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, we do our best to offer multiple tinnitus treatment and management options to help you find the one that works best for you. Some of the top tinnitus treatment options we offer are:
- Hearing evaluation – Having your hearing evaluated is an essential step when it comes to tinnitus treatment. For one thing, an evaluation check for hearing loss, which can contribute to tinnitus. Also, our hearing health care professionals can assess if there is other structural damage in your ears that can trigger your tinnitus.
- Hearing aids – The use of hearing aids can help correct hearing loss, which allows you to hear the sounds you want to hear, not just your tinnitus. Even without hearing loss, hearing aids with tinnitus management tools built into them can help you deal with your tinnitus symptoms.
- Cerumen removal – Build up of cerumen (earwax) can cause a flare-up of tinnitus. While it may not correct all of your tinnitus, having built-up cerumen removed can help alleviate your symptoms. Our hearing instrument specialists can safely and quickly remove your cerumen in-office or provide you with safe products to alleviate your built-up earwax at home.
- Sound generators – Many tinnitus sufferers struggle with silence, especially when trying to fall asleep. To alleviate the silence, a sound generator that produces soothing sounds can help you relax and allow for your tinnitus to subside.
- Levo System – Retrain your brain to recognize and ignore your tinnitus in your sleep when you use the Levo System. Our tinnitus specialists will customize the Levo System to how your tinnitus sounds, so when you sleep, the Levo System will play the same sound. That way, as you sleep, you can reduce your tinnitus symptoms.
Find Effective Tinnitus Management Help In Las Vegas
All of the above tinnitus treatment and management tools can be found at Hearing Associates of Las Vegas. We have helped many individuals address their tinnitus, and do our best to stay on top of the latest research regarding tinnitus and other hearing-related issues.
So, if you are looking for compassionate and expert tinnitus care in Las Vegas, please contact us today to schedule your appointment. We are ready to help you break through your tinnitus and live your life more freely.
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