Hearing loss typically happens as one ages. Although it’s probably a condition that many of us would rather not discuss, the NIDCD (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders) notes that approximately a quarter of adults between 65-74 have some hearing loss.
That’s a significant amount of people! Loss of hearing can happen due to many reasons, but the top causes include:
-Reactions to medicine
-Head trauma
-Chronic exposure to loud sound
-Congenital disabilities
-General aging
Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss
If you have noticed any decrease in your ability to hear (and know that you’re affected by one of the above factors), definitely speak to a hearing professional. Thankfully, there are treatment options, and hearing aids are just one of the many choices available.
Before going that route, though, there are some signs and symptoms to be aware of regarding hearing loss. As stated above, a decrease in your hearing might happen slowly over time as you age. Therefore, you might not notice anything too distinct regarding what you can hear until much later.
However, other symptoms may appear, such as headaches, tinnitus, or even pain in the ear. Always speak to your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms or if your hearing has decreased in one ear and not the other.
Treatment of Hearing Loss
Different paths can be taken for hearing loss treatment, depending on the cause and level of hearing loss. For example, a good ear cleaning might remove a lot of the wax and buildup that might be responsible for hearing loss, while trauma to the ear or repetitive loud noises might require a hearing aid. Seeing a hearing specialist is critical in determining the best next steps for your hearing and mental health!
What Level of Hearing Loss Requires a Hearing Aid?
Typically, you will need a hearing aid with moderate hearing loss or above. With moderate hearing loss, you have difficulty hearing sounds quieter than 41 decibels to 55 decibels, which is a typical conversation level.
With moderately severe hearing loss, you will be challenged to hear sounds quieter than 56 to 70 decibels–like a nearby home appliance. You will not hear speech without a hearing aid.
When a person reaches the level of severe hearing loss, there is difficulty hearing sounds quieter than 71 to 90 decibels (such as a nearby motorcycle). Speech will not be heard without a hearing aid.
Where Can You Get Help?
One company that focuses on the patient’s health and hearing loss is the Hearing Associates of Las Vegas. The evaluations completed with their trained specialists help you know the status of both ears and how much impact any hearing loss has had on you and your personal and professional life.
This isn’t just a quick in and out hearing test; the Hearing Associates of Las Vegas does a pre-evaluation consult with you first, reviewing your health history and determining the impact of hearing loss on your day-to-day life.
Once that portion is done, the sound tests and speech-hearing tests are next. These tests let you hear different tones and pitches, along with words, which allow the specialists to see how much hearing loss has occurred.
Once the testing process is complete, the specialists sit down with you in a post-evaluation consultation to break down all the data gathered. If it is recommended that a hearing aid is utilized, the specialists will help you pick the right one for your circumstances.
Choosing a hearing aid doesn’t have to be a scary experience; the professionals at the Hearing Associates of Las Vegas want to make the process as seamless as possible while educating you along the way.
Speak with your physician if you’re having any issues with your ears or hearing abilities, and then consider an evaluation and testing with Hearing Associates of Las Vegas!
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