Las Vegas is one of the hotspots for people around the world to come and ring in the new year, and this year is no exception. Celebrating with hundreds of thousands of people in town can require careful planning. But if you have hearing aids, you may need to take some extra steps to ensure Read more..
Should I Wear My Hearing Aids to a Concert in Las Vegas?
Concerts—especially here in Las Vegas—are high-energy events, and the main concern is protecting your hearing. The fact that concerts are so loud can lead many people to wonder if they need to wear their hearing aids to a concert. Even though concerts are noisy events, there are plenty of reasons why you are better off Read more..
How Loud Do Vegas Golden Knights Games Get?
The NHL season has finally begun, and already, Vegas Golden Knights fans are considered the loudest, most enthusiastic fans out there! Getting swept up in that high-energy atmosphere can make anyone forget that all the cheering, goal horns, and chanting can be damaging to your hearing. So, just how loud is a Vegas Golden Knights Read more..
NBA Summer League in Vegas: Don’t Forget About Your Hearing
If you are excited for the NBA Summer League games starting on July 5, you are in good company because here at the Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, we are also prepping to see some exciting games. But as you prepare for your attendance at the games, has your preparations included considering your hearing health? Read more..
Ringing in the 4th of July: Hearing Protection Is Key
As we approach the 243 year since the founding of American, you are likely gearing up for the celebration by stocking up on barbeque gear, food, and fireworks. But what you may not have considered in your preparation is what you need to prevent hearing loss as you and your loved ones enjoy the 4th Read more..
Las Vegas Residents – You Can Turn To Us With Questions About Your Hearing Aids
Over the years, hearing aids have continued to improve. While this improvement is definitely a good thing, it can leave you with a lot of questions concerning hearing aids. Whether you currently have hearing aids and would like to learn more or if you are looking into purchasing a set of hearing aids and are Read more..
How You Can Get Involved During ‘Better Hearing and Speech Month’
Your ability to hear well is critical to all aspects of your life, affecting your capacity to communicate with others as well as your ability to understand what others are trying to convey. But when someone suffers from undiagnosed hearing loss, they may not understand how deeply they can be affected. To help shine a Read more..
World Hearing Day
Here at Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, we are naturally excited to celebrate World Hearing Day on March 3, 2019, since we are all about promoting better hearing! History Of World Hearing Day World Hearing Day was originally called International Ear Care Day when it was first established in 2007 by the Office of Prevention Read more..
Las Vegas Resources for the Hard of Hearing
Living with hearing loss can be difficult, but with the right resources, you should be able to access the world of sound around you. Luckily, here in Las Vegas, there are many resources for the hard of hearing to utilize to make hearing easier. Deaf Centers Of Nevada A dedicated nonprofit, the Deaf Centers Of Read more..
Enjoy Every Sound of the Holidays With Improved Hearing
Sounds make up a cornerstone of most people’s holiday memories, from the sweet strains of Christmas carols to the sounds of excited children tearing into Christmas presents. But those sounds can become lost when an individual suffers from hearing loss. Instead of the feelings of warmth and inclusion which characterize many holiday gatherings, those with Read more..