Purchasing a hearing aid is a very personal decision you make. Often times one struggles with the idea of a hearing aid for many years before actually doing something about it. When the time comes that you are ready to be fit with a hearing instrument, following these guidelines will help you to achieve success in both choosing a hearing aid and then adjusting to the new world of sound around you that hearing aids bring. Visit Hearing Associates of Las Vegas to have a thorough hearing evaluation performed by our licensed hearing care professionals. We care so much about our patients, their hearing health, and their experience in our office. Past patients can attest to the effort we make to improve the lives of those that come to see us.

“There’s just a sense of family when you come here… [Robyn and Lionel] are both interested in your hearing and they’re interested in making your life better…It’s fun to come in – the feeling you get is warm. You know that they care about you as a person and they care about your hearing. I just can’t describe how important that is, not only to me as a physician, but to other patients I’ve referred to Robyn. They all say the same thing, they all have a tremendous experience… because they feel like someone actually cares about them and their hearing.”
-Dr. Dale Carrison, UMC Southern Nevada Head of ER and Chief of Staff
Let us help you as you work to improve your hearing, relationships, and overall quality of life. A complete diagnostic exam and lifestyle assessment for hearing aids should take 60-90 minutes. This process can help detect medical issues that can be treated without a hearing aid. When testing for hearing loss, bring a family member to your appointment. Spouses and other family members are significantly affected by your hearing loss, making it more than a personal issue, but also a family one. Involve them in this process and they will be a great support tool for you. They can work with you to understand your hearing loss and treatment options. It’s often very helpful to have a trusted friend or family member with you at your appointment to better retain the information you’re given and to create a treatment plan you are confident in.
When deciding on a hearing aid, be sure to remain open minded about recommendations from your hearing care professional. We urge our patients to be open with us and to discuss any questions or concerns they may have. All hearing aid fittings will come with a trial period. Our hearing professionals will be sure to explain this process to you but we also hope to answer any questions you may have. If for any reason during this period you determine you do not want to keep the hearing aids you’ve chosen, there is a return policy that would allow you to return the instrument to the factory. We can help you to determine the manufacturers return policy and return your hearing aids to them.
A successful hearing aid fitting can often take longer than the trial period to achieve. However, during the trial period you should be able to see progress. Enough progress that gives you confidence in both your choice of hearing aid and the professional you have chosen to work with to know that you are on the right path. Hearing Associates of Las Vegas offers extended trials on an as-needed basis.
It is normal to feel self-conscious, uncomfortable and not your “usual self” when you first start wearing hearing aids. This is to be expected as it is part of the learning curve. But most importantly, it is temporary. Your hearing aids will help you to feel more confident in social situations. They will help you to feel less stressed and more relaxed. The TV will be easier to understand. You will be able to use your phone more easily and participate more comfortably in conversations in noisy places, meetings, venues, and churches. They will also help you connect more to other people and feel included.
New hearing aids are a journey. It took time for your hearing loss to get to where it is; therefore, it will take some time to correct. Be patient through the process. Follow through on your appointments and remember to always wear your hearing instruments. The more you wear them, the quicker you will adjust to them.
Hearing Associates of Las Vegas is an independent and family-owned hearing clinic centered around high-quality care. Our genuine interest in our patients is what makes our service so outstanding. We consider all of our patients a part of our hearing family. Our hearing care providers and supporting staff take the time to get to know each patient, their lifestyle needs, and their concerns so that we can provide truly customized care.
Because our hearing clinic is independently owned, we have the freedom to recommend quality products that we genuinely trust and are not bound to any particular brand of hearing aids. This also ensures that our hearing care providers will always make your needs the top priority when offering hearing loss solutions.
“Each patient can know how important their hearing needs are to us, and know that we will always strive our best to deliver a product and customer service that is unmatched. This is one of the reasons that we play Cheers in each of our waiting rooms and share freshly baked cookies. We want our patients to feel like they are at home with us and part of our hearing family.”
–Robyn Lofton, Owner and Lead Practitioner of Hearing Associates of Las Vegas
Work with Hearing Associates of Las Vegas and have confidence that our team is putting you first. We want to be there for you during your hearing rehabilitation from start to finish! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
- Johns Hopkins Medicine. “Hearing Loss Linked to Three-Fold Risk of Falling”, February 27, 2012. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/hearing_loss_linked_to_three_fold_risk_of_falling
- Johns Hopkins Medicine. “Hearing Loss Accelerates Brain Function Decline in Older Adults”, January 23, 2013. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/hearing_loss_accelerates_brain_function_decline_in_older_adults
- Starkey Hearing Aids, Hear Now Program. https://www.starkeyhearingfoundation.org/Hear-Now
- Professional Resource & Commentary from Dr. Dale Carrison. Recipient of the “Inspired Excellence in Healthcare Awards” sponsored by Las Vegas Heals. Chief of staff and head of ER at UMC in Las Vegas
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