When it comes to film and television, everyone loves to see themselves represented on the screen. Sympathizing with someone that looks, acts, or exists like you can be a rewarding and thought-provoking experience. While tv shows and films have gotten much better about representing different stories and struggles over the past few years, a few Read more..
Hearing Aid Heroes: American Girl Doll & Their 2020 Girl of the Year
This month, our hearing aid hero is a little different. Usually, we like to pick a person who has excelled in their field despite having to deal with hearing loss and using hearing aids, to help show that hearing loss doesn’t have to limit your ability to achieve. But for February, we have chosen something, Read more..
Hearing Aid Hero: Lou Ferrigno
We love to highlight individuals who have decided not to let their hearing loss or the use of hearing aids hold them back from whatever they wanted to do. And no one is a better example of breaking the stigma surrounding hearing aids and hearing loss than Lou Ferrigno. Lou Ferrigno—From Bullied To Bodybuilder And Read more..
Hearing Aid Hero Olympian David Smith & His Oticon Hearing Aids
As the nation gears up for the 2020 Olympics, here at Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, we are excited to highlight one special Hearing Aid Hero and Olympian—David Smith of the USA men’s volleyball team. David Smith The Olympian Unlike other types of hearing loss which are gradually acquired, David was born with hearing loss. Read more..
Hearing Aid Hero: Adam Savage From Mythbusters LOVES His Widex Hearing Aids
There are many ways a person can end up with hearing loss. Whether it is due to loud noise exposure or a congenital issue, there are ways to address hearing loss when you are ready, as you will see with this month’s Hearing Aid Hero. Our Hearing Aid Hero for this month’s is Adam Savage—of Read more..
Heroes With Hearing Aids: Jodie Foster, Actress and Director
Some people worry as they lose their hearing that they will be restricted from living the life they want to live. However, as the current hearing aid hero, Jodie Foster, has demonstrated, well-fitted hearing aids from hearing experts can help you lead the life you hoped to live. Hearing Aid Hero Highlight: Jodie Foster It Read more..
Heroes With Hearing Aids: Musicians Dealing With Hearing Loss
For those who love music, whether it be creating the music or listening to it, many of them have concerns that their hearing loss will interfere with their enjoyment in music. But there have been hearing aid heroes who have overcome hearing loss and set a positive example for hearing loss-afflicted music lovers. Hearing Aid Read more..
An American Hero: Sully de Fontaine
Today we reflect. First, as it is the 73rd anniversary of the Invasion of Normandy. It’s hard not to think of the brave men that stormed the beaches of France to push back the advance of the Nazis. What a different world it would be were it not for their courageous D-Day mission. Secondly, we Read more..