Are you in your forties and worried about hearing loss? If so, you’re not alone. Hearing loss is one of the most common health concerns for those over forty, with an estimated 25% of adults in this age group experiencing some degree of it. But don’t worry – there are steps you can take to Read more..
Flying With Hearing Aids – What You Need to Know
Flying for most people flying is a matter of booking a ticket and checking in and hoping to make connections without any problems. But if you struggle with hearing loss, it can be a much different experience. Here are a few tips on how to improve your experience. Checking In for your Flight Airports are Read more..
What to Expect During a Hearing Test
Hearing loss can come on fast or slowly over a period of time. It is highly recommended that if you are over 60 to have your hearing tested. As people age, they may experience hearing loss. It is vital that an early diagnosis and treatment plan to avoid further complications with your health and hearing. Read more..
Will Hearing Loss Be Cured In The Future
Experiencing hearing loss can be difficult for both you and your loved ones. You’ve probably spent hours searching Google looking for a cure, but all you have discovered is that hearing loss is complex and that with all the different causes, different treatments are required. Unfortunately, there is no miracle drug or surgery to cure Read more..
Where Does Hearing Loss Occur?
The ear has three different parts that help your ear function properly: The outer ear is the part that you can see and the ear canal. Tucked in behind the eardrum is a small space that contains tiny bones called ossicles, this is called the middle ear. The inner ear is the most complex section Read more..
Can Hearing Loss Impact Your Balance
Did you know your ears aren’t just for hearing? They work together with other systems in your body to help you interpret your space. For example, your ears help you determine what’s around you when you are walking or driving. They are also responsible for helping you keep yourself from falling. When your balance Read more..
How to Select Hearing Aids Based On Your Hearing Test
Often dismissed as a natural part of aging, hearing loss is a very real condition that affects people from all walks of life. It affects your ability to communicate and your overall health and well-being. Hearing loss can occur gradually and can be difficult to notice. Especially since hearing loss is unique to each individual. Read more..
Hearing Loss and Depression
It takes most people years to notice the gradual onset of hearing loss. So if you are having problems such as hearing certain voices, if you ask people to repeat themselves, if others seem to mumble, or if you need to turn the TV volume up to a level uncomfortable for others to enjoy–these are Read more..
The Best Hearing Aids for Severe Hearing Loss
There are many reasons people lose their hearing. Sometimes, hearing loss can be restored naturally. In other cases, hearing loss can only be replaced with the help of hearing aids. If you are experiencing severe hearing loss because of aging or from extended exposure to loud noises and the tiny hairs in your ear are Read more..
Ear Infection Hearing Loss Problems
Hearing loss can occur due to many different factors including heredity, excessive noise, aging, injury, or infections. The most common type of hearing loss affects the auditory nerve. This is called sensorineural hearing loss. Did you know that an ear infection can cause hearing loss? This is called conductive hearing loss. It is caused when Read more..