Experiencing worsening symptoms of tinnitus at night? Many people with tinnitus find that their symptoms get worse in the evening and early. Whether you are experiencing tinnitus short term or if you have been experiencing tinnitus for a long time, you may be wondering why our tinnitus symptoms seem to be louder at night. Read more..
Does Tinnitus Caused By Antibiotics Go Away?
If you have ever experienced a bout of ringing, humming, or buzzing in your ears after taking an antibiotic, you aren’t alone. These internal sounds – meaning no one else can hear them – can affect upwards of 20% of people, according to the Mayo Clinic. Most causes of tinnitus are caused by factors such Read more..
Is There Therapy for Tinnitus
Have you ever experienced a humming, buzzing, or ringing sound in your ears? If so, you might be one of the millions of people in the United States with tinnitus. While this condition typically affects only one ear, it can be in both and is something only you can hear. Tinnitus happens as sound goes Read more..
Do Natural Treatments for Tinnitus Work?
Many of us hear noises throughout our daily lives that we may classify as annoying or bothersome. But to those suffering from tinnitus —whether this noise is a ringing, roaring, buzzing, or hissing—the annoying noise is constant and can be heard when there’s no external sound present. This makes it very hard for these people Read more..
Bothersome Vs. Non Bothersome Tinnitus
Tinnitus is one of the most common afflictions in the United States, affecting approximately 32 percent of the population. Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no actual external noise is present. Roughly 20 million people struggle with burdensome chronic tinnitus, while 2 million have extreme and debilitating cases. Our experts are here to help Read more..
Telehealth Tinnitus Treatments
As technology continues to evolve, modern treatments for conditions previously thought to be untreatable begin to arise. Through modern advancements in medicine, we have made healthcare easier, safer, and most cost-effective. Notably, since the onset of coronavirus, we have developed various ways of giving health advice and treatment remotely. One of these significant advancements has Read more..
My Child Complains About Ringing In Their Ears
While most people associate hearing loss or impairment with older adults, it can also affect children. Although not as frequently, from time to time, a child may suffer from hearing issues, such as tinnitus as hearing loss. It can be tougher to realize and diagnose this condition with children, so caregivers need to stay vigilant. Read more..
What is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy and How Can it Provide Life-Changing Results
Tinnitus is one of the most common ailments in the nation, affecting over 45 million people in the United States. In decades past, experts had many tinnitus treatment methods, but only a few have survived. So while researchers and doctors continue to search for viable treatment methods, a few have jumped out as being most Read more..
Tinnitus Comorbidity: What You Should Know About Conditions Related To Tinnitus
Part of what makes tinnitus so difficult to live with is the issues that often occur with tinnitus or are triggered by ongoing tinnitus. These issues are called comorbid conditions, which means that there are two chronic diseases that are impacting one person. Because tinnitus can be complicated by comorbidity, experienced hearing health professionals will Read more..
Managing Expectations Throughout Tinnitus Treatment
When it comes to tinnitus, there are many unknowns. From what caused the tinnitus to why some people experience severe tinnitus, there are many questions still to be answered. So, it makes sense that there is a good deal of misunderstanding around tinnitus treatment. One of the specialties of Hearing Associates of Las Vegas is Read more..