Why Tinnitus Happens During Pregnancy Many would agree that a pregnancy can be one of the most beautiful things for both a mother and a father. However, many would agree that a mother usually has a rougher time with it than the father. While pregnancy may be a great thing for the mother, the side Read more..
Tinnitus Success Story: Mark B. and Hearing Associates of Las Vegas
Have you ever had a ringing in your ears after hearing a loud noise? While this is common to most people for a short period of time, a lasting noise should be cause for concern. Quiet to most of the world but obtrusively loud to those who suffer from it, tinnitus is a common affliction Read more..
COVID-19’s Impact on Tinnitus
Millions of people around the globe have had their lives affected by this unprecedented virus, causing store closings, social distancing, and making many reevaluate the way they live their lives. As we continue to study the causes and effects of COVID-19, we begin to learn more about this mysterious virus. It seems like every day Read more..
Sleeping With Tinnitus
For many people with tinnitus, the worst time of day for their symptoms is when they are trying to go to sleep. Why tinnitus gets worse around bedtime can be due to a mix of things, from the increased silence to a racing, anxious mind aggravating your tinnitus. The main problem with tinnitus becoming worse Read more..
Your Medication Could Be Making Your Tinnitus Worse
Part of what makes the management and treatment of tinnitus difficult is that there can be many triggers for tinnitus, from loud noise exposure to high blood pressure. Even worse, sometimes, there is no apparent reason why someone experiences tinnitus. What surprises many individuals to learn is how tinnitus can be triggered by medication. This Read more..
Tinnitus: Tuning Out the Ringing
While in the middle of a tinnitus flare-up, it can come off as insensitive and potentially insulting to imply that all you need to do is ignore it. That’s what some individuals think it means when tinnitus habituation—also called tinnitus retraining therapy—is mentioned as a treatment for tinnitus. However, learning to tune out the ringing Read more..
Tinnitus and Sleep Disorders
Plenty of people will experience tinnitus, even if only temporarily. Whether it manifests as a ringing in the ears or buzzing, roaring, clicking, or other irritating sounds, most people can simply brush off their tinnitus. However, for a fraction of those individuals who experience tinnitus, their hearing condition can be debilitating and impact several facets Read more..
8 Athletes That Suffer From Tinnitus And/Or Hearing Loss
Often, people can get stuck on the idea that tinnitus and hearing loss limit their opportunities or hold them back in some way. While dealing with hearing impairment can be challenging, it is possible to take that challenge and come out on top! Here at Hearing Associates of Las Vegas, we often like to highlight Read more..
Tinnitus Comorbidity: What You Should Know About Conditions Related To Tinnitus
Part of what makes tinnitus so difficult to live with is the issues that often occur with tinnitus or are triggered by ongoing tinnitus. These issues are called comorbid conditions, which means that there are two chronic diseases that are impacting one person. Because tinnitus can be complicated by comorbidity, experienced hearing health professionals will Read more..
Ask The Hearing Specialist: Why Isn’t There A Cure For Tinnitus?
Millions of Americans have some degree of tinnitus, and millions of people worldwide also struggle with this hearing condition. Yet, even with so many people suffering from tinnitus, there is no definite cure. Worse, depending on what health care professional you work with, treatment and management can vary widely. While our hearing specialists would like Read more..